Thursday, October 16, 2008

Penulisan dan Pembacaan

Salam sejahtera keatas korang semua! Semoga kau orang diberikan kesihatan dan kekuatan dalam menempuh kehidupan di alam yang fana' ini. Oh, dah lama tidak mengisi masa lapang dengan menulis blog. Nah, jom memperkasakan english kita dengan membaca penulisan kreatif ini (memperkasa tidak membawa maksud mengagungkan!).

Take Time to THINK
It is the source of power

Take time to PLAY
It is the secret of perpetual youth
Take time to READ
It is the fountain of wisdom
Take time to PRAY
It is the greatest power on earth
Take time to LOVE & BE L
It is the God-given privilege
Take time to BE FRIENDLY
It is the road to happiness
Take time to LAUGH
It is the music of the soul
Take time to GIVE

It is too short a day to be selfish
Take time to WORK
It is the prince of success
Take time to DO CHARITY
It is the key to heaven

"every seconds counts!"

terpampang dalam satu post hasil nukilan Umar Zakir:
"Learning English is FUN" (betul ke?? haha!)

Ok dah. Bye!!


lah said...


MaJa said...

would u be kind enough to put a link to our new website?

we're trying to have as many backlink as we can get.

n it wud be great for ur blog too..
we'll put a link to ur site in our new site.

thx in advance.

.fadheR. said...

hehe..aah learing english is fun! tpi talking english sumtimes can be crap!hehe

Aqilah Amin said...

hoho. tq tq~ =P
good luck dkt moscow! =]

arif saufi said...

life's sucks ah..

.shazrin. said...

agak r..